Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Provider

money isn't an issue for those who have it. well in most cases, at least... but that's a story for a couch somewhere. my point is that money is more elusive than the one leaf in the lake that you just can't seem to scoop up in your hand. it's like that bar of soap on the shower floor (prison jokes aside). it's that invisible brick wall holding you back.

God is my supplier. my Jehovah Jireh. these things i know. i know that He has never let me down, nor is He capable of doing such. i get by and my bills get paid... but i'm so behind. God is not to blame. i am. i am the one who lives beyond my means. i am the one that likes to go out to eat with friends. Lord forgive me - help me to be better. help me to give all to You and trust that You can make the little i have stretch. You are the One who only needs five loaves and two fish to feed thousands. i have a five loaf and two fish budget. work Your wonders, please. AMEN

so yeah... didn't know that this would turn out this way, but thank You Jesus.

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