Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Truth

Here are some very wise words by a very wise man, Rev Wayne Huntley:

When prayers aren’t answered as you wish, don’t abandon your faith. Just simply trust Him. Faith will see miracles, but trust will carry you through when you can’t understand why faith didn’t work. Not always can faith deliver you from the den of lions, but it’s trust that will be able to keep you. Not always will faith deliver you from the valley of the shadow of death, but trust will carry you through the valley. It’s a confidence, or reliance, or resting of the mind on the integrity, friendship, or other sound principle (God does not lie) of another person or thing (Jesus). It’s impossible to have faith in God while not trusting Him completely. Therefore, faith becomes a preliminary step in establishing trust with God. Trust is a step beyond and a dimension deeper than faith. Many believe who cannot trust. Therefore, when their gain doesn’t produce the desired results, they despair. Trust stabilizes us and secures us when we don’t receive what we have asked and felt we have had faith for. Trust will sustain us through what faith doesn’t deliver us from. Faith expects things; trust accepts things. Faith produces change; trust submits to unchanged conditions. Faith reaches; trust retains. Faith rushes; trust waits. Trust is the ultimate relationship between man and God. Trust calms fears, eases tension, and allows us to walk confidently with God. It has no limitations, demands, or restrictions, and is worry’s treatment, fear’s cure, anxiety’s remedy and life’s healer.

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